Love a girl in a tight white shirt.
all poppin out.
make me feel like it christmas.
make me feel its all worth,,,
Tella mr Muluer I want my queen
take all the ponds get the sqeegie
is it amthrax, just a geo-thermal pool
algae on top, is that alternative energy
say hey wait second there are alot more pieces..
got control of cumincation he
thinks hes a rook
he's just a theif
harrasing me about money
he goes strait by the book..
and it's not funny
Thinks he's a knight
and you must leave right now
tell you who to give the money to
it's a friend of his..
Thinks hes a biship
of the cathalic church
if he can't have the money thinks it
should go to the church..
he says he always plays black
but yet he always goes first.
doesn't understand chess
it will get him real hurt.
better watch out for both queens
doesn' know whats side he's on.
better watch out it's check mate
on both sides of the board.